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La vie en Rose… and Marius

La vie en Rose... and Marius

An unforgettable evening! Ballet Preljocaj at Rose et Marius

18 July 2024

Rose et Marius, Maison de Haute Parfumerie de Provence and Artisan d’Art since 2017, has been an active partner of Aix-en-Provence culture for 12 years. It was with great joy and pride that the Haute Parfumerie de Provence house of Rose et Marius had the honor of welcoming the famous Ballet Preljocaj for an exceptional performance. This magical moment combined the elegance and grace of contemporary ballet with the refined atmosphere of our boutique, offering our guests an unforgettable experience. … Lire la suite

La vie en Rose... and Marius, Les coups de coeur de Magali en Provence

Our favorite address!

17 April 2024

Rose et Marius, the brand whose love for the art of living in Provence is expressed in every Haute Parfumerie creation, is delighted to share with you one of its favorite addresses in Aix en Provence. Located on the emblematic Cours Mirabeau in Aix-en-Provence, to which we dedicated one of our fragrance creations, ‘rêverie au jardin d’eau’, in homage to the mossy fountain, this place embodies the very essence of Provence. The tall plane trees provide refreshing shade, while the… Lire la suite

La vie en Rose... and Marius

How do you scent your home?

8 April 2023

You wish to perfume your interior but you don’t know how you y take? There are many parameters to consider in the art of home perfume: what scent is right for me, how can I feel good with it, how can I ensure that it diffuses as well as possible and, above all, what fragrance to choose so that it’s not toxic and harmful to my health. At Rose et Marius, Maison de Haute Parfumerie de Provence, we can say… Lire la suite

La vie en Rose... and Marius

Come and create your own custom perfume at Rose et Marius!

5 January 2023

Rose et Marius is the house of exceptional perfumes in Provence, and as such, we work with the most prestigious establishments to create personalized olfactory signatures. 5* hotels, three-star restaurants, major corporations… Today, we’d like to put our expertise at your service, so that you too can create your very own bespoke perfume during a workshop! If you’re planning a visit to Provence or Aix-en-Provence, don’t miss out on this totally new and Kids friendly experience of creating your own… Lire la suite

La vie en Rose... and Marius

The art of creating your own customised perfume…

13 January 2023
bar à parfum

Customize your perfume ! Rose et Marius, a house of exceptional perfumes in Provence, South of France,  is an expert in the creation of olfactory signatures. If you plan to visit South of France and want to leave a truly amazing perfume experience, come and take an appointment for our workshops in Aix-en-Provence. We will teach you the world of Haute Parfumerie and blet you become a perfumer for a day! To see la vie en Rose…et Marius ! Since… Lire la suite

La vie en Rose... and Marius

Gift for your Grandmother : our exclusive selection

2 March 2022

Our exclusive selection of gifts to celebrate your Grandmothers or those you consider as such! The smell of her lemon cakes coming out of the oven, the smell of the earth when you were spending time in her garden, the scent of the flowers in the vase or simply her perfume… Many memories are coming to your mind while thinking about your grandmother or the one you consider as such. It is so for Magali, the creator of Rose et… Lire la suite

La vie en Rose... and Marius

Christmas shopping just perfect!

3 December 2021
Massage offerts à Aix

Christmas is coming soon! Certainly a wonderful time of sharing with the family. But it is also a constraint. Because in our busy schedules and our lives at 100 km/h, Christmas shopping. And especially to find THE original gift that will please, can be a constraint… An enchanted parenthesis from December 6 to 11 Fortunately Rose et Marius has thought of everything. We offer you a Christmas shopping experience that will be a real enchanted interlude. Indeed, from December 6th… Lire la suite

La vie en Rose... and Marius

What are the best gifts to give to a pregnant woman?

3 December 2021
cadeaux femme enceinte

You have just learned that a loved one is expecting a happy event. Crazy with joy, you already imagine yourself giving her gifts for the baby. But the mother-to-be is above all a woman: you mustn’t forget to take care of her.
 We are pleased to share with you our selection of the best gift ideas for a pregnant woman A mother-to-be should be spoiled and pampered! Pregnancy is a special time in a woman’s life. It is certainly expressed… Lire la suite

La vie en Rose... and Marius

How to buy a perfume without smelling it?

14 December 2021

An innovative widget The perfumist is an innovative widget created in Provence (cocorico!) that allows you to simply enter your favourite perfume and that will analyse its olfactory characteristics to suggest the Rose et Marius perfume creation that is closest to it. You can try it here! Samples to try before We suggest you try your Rose et Marius perfume first. To do so, simply order your samples here. Take the time to try them at home and you have… Lire la suite

La vie en Rose... and Marius

Our top 3 of spring fragrances

24 March 2021
Parfum de printemps

Only a few days left before the arrival of the happy days of spring. That long-awaited moment when nature awakes from its winter sleep. To perfume the air with herbaceous and floral fragrances, to caress our skin with the first rays of the sun and to offer our eyes the wonder of the blossoming of flowers of a thousand and one colours. Our senses, which have been hibernating, finally regain their rights! What better time to be intoxicated with sweet… Lire la suite